Our Ethernet services provide high speed, high reliability, links to the internet and between sites with a coverage of approximately 90% of UK business addresses. Speeds from 100Mb/s - 1Gb/s are available.
Installation and monthly costs for Ethernet varies but we are happy to quote for a service at your location, do get in touch with us.
We can also provide and configure our FireBrick FB2900 as a router for the service.
Real fibre, actually to your premises not just the nearest street cabinet. Start with 100Mb/s and add more bandwidth as you need quickly and easily.
Real unlimited use, no fair usage policy or usage charges or usage caps or peak rate slow downs. Predictable costs whatever happens.
Faults on Ethernet circuits are rare, but can happen. An Ethernet circuit from us paired with one of our FTTC or FTTP lines, along with our FireBrick FB2900 router is able to be set up with near-seamless fail-over of your IP addresses in the event of a fault on the Ethernet circuit. Typically failover happens within a few seconds.
The most common service we offer is internet access, typically starting at 100Mb/s symmetric (both ways at once). This provides a high reliability internet connection with public IP addresses.
We can also provide site to site access. This means two sites that have the service are connected together at a speed of your choice.
Whilst termination equipment would installed by Openreach you will still need a router. We're happy for you to use your own router or we can sell or rent you one of our FireBrick FB2900 routers.
Our Office::1 product provides an alternative high availability Internet access using multiple DSL lines and even mobile-data backup.