VoIP and Mobile

Call Prices

Telecoms full price list

Peak rate is 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday, Off Peak is other times Monday to Friday, Weekend is Saturday and Sunday all day.

*By default you cannot call any number where the exc VAT cost of a 1 minute call could exceed 20p. Please contact sales to enable calling such numbers.

The following rates apply to numbers starting with certain specific dialling codes.

Call tariffsInc VATExc VAT
Off peak
Min costPeak
Off peak
Min cost
01National 1.5000p 1.2500p 1.0000p 2.4000p 1.2500p 1.0417p 0.8333p 2.0000p
02National 1.5000p 1.2500p 1.0000p 2.4000p 1.2500p 1.0417p 0.8333p 2.0000p
03National 1.5000p 1.2500p 1.0000p 2.4000p 1.2500p 1.0417p 0.8333p 2.0000p
04call.me.uk 0.0000p 0.0000p
101Single Non-Emergency 0.0000p 0.0000p
105None 0.0000p 0.0000p
111NHS Non-Emergency 0.0000p 0.0000p
116None 0.0000p 0.0000p
195None 0.0000p 0.0000p
3:PSD1UK Mobile data per MB 2.1000p 1.7500p
999Emergency services 0.0000p 0.0000p
aaCalls to A&A offices 0.0000p 0.0000p
ACAccess Charge (for 084/087/09) 2.0000p 2.0000p 1.6667p 1.6667p
AfghanistanInt Afghanistan 17.5000p 2.4000p 14.5833p 2.0000p
AfghanistanMobileInt Afghanistan Mobile 16.5000p 2.4000p 13.7500p 2.0000p
AlbaniaInt Albania 5.0000p 2.4000p 4.1667p 2.0000p
AlbaniaMobileInt Albania Mobile 13.0000p 2.4000p 10.8333p 2.0000p
AlbaniaTiranaInt Albania Tirana 2.7500p 2.4000p 2.2917p 2.0000p
AlgeriaInt Algeria 13.2500p 2.4000p 11.0417p 2.0000p
AlgeriaAlgiersInt Algeria Algiers 13.2500p 2.4000p 11.0417p 2.0000p
AlgeriaMobileInt Algeria Mobile 54.0000p 2.4000p 45.0000p 2.0000p
AmericanSamoaInt American Samoa 5.0000p 2.4000p 4.1667p 2.0000p
AndorraInt Andorra 2.0000p 2.4000p 1.6667p 2.0000p
AndorraMobileInt Andorra Mobile 21.2500p 2.4000p 17.7083p 2.0000p
AngolaInt Angola 21.7500p 2.4000p 18.1250p 2.0000p
AngolaMobileInt Angola Mobile 25.0000p 2.4000p 20.8333p 2.0000p
AnguillaInt Anguilla 10.2500p 2.4000p 8.5417p 2.0000p
AnguillaMobileNone 17.7500p 2.4000p 14.7917p 2.0000p
AntarcticaInt Antarctica 67.2500p 2.4000p 56.0417p 2.0000p
Antigua&BarbudaInt Antigua & Barbuda 52.0000p 2.4000p 43.3333p 2.0000p
Antigua&BarbudaMobileNone 44.0000p 2.4000p 36.6667p 2.0000p
ArgentinaInt Argentina 2.0000p 2.4000p 1.6667p 2.0000p
ArgentinaBuenosAiresInt Argentina Buenos Aires 2.0000p 2.4000p 1.6667p 2.0000p
ArgentinaMobileInt Argentina Mobile 24.0000p 2.4000p 20.0000p 2.0000p
ArmeniaInt Armenia 23.0000p 2.4000p 19.1666p 2.0000p
ArmeniaMobileInt Armenia Mobile 12.2500p 2.4000p 10.2083p 2.0000p
ArmeniaYerevanInt Armenia Yerevan 23.0000p 2.4000p 19.1666p 2.0000p
ArubaInt Aruba 8.2500p 2.4000p 6.8750p 2.0000p
ArubaMobileInt Aruba Mobile 10.2500p 2.4000p 8.5417p 2.0000p
AscensionInt Ascension 94.0000p 2.4000p 78.3333p 2.0000p
AustraliaInt Australia 4.0000p 2.4000p 3.3333p 2.0000p
AustraliaCanberraInt Australia Canberra 2.0000p 2.4000p 1.6667p 2.0000p
AustraliaMelbourneInt Australia Melbourne 2.0000p 2.4000p 1.6667p 2.0000p
AustraliaMobileInt Australia Mobile 12.2500p 2.4000p 10.2083p 2.0000p
AustraliaSydneyInt Australia Sydney 2.0000p 2.4000p 1.6667p 2.0000p
AustriaInt Austria 14.0000p 2.4000p 11.6667p 2.0000p
AustriaMobileInt Austria Mobile 17.0000p 2.4000p 14.1667p 2.0000p
AustrianSharedCostInt Austrian Shared Cost 2.0000p 2.4000p 1.6667p 2.0000p
AustriaViennaInt Austria Vienna 2.0000p 2.4000p 1.6667p 2.0000p
AzerbaijanInt Azerbaijan 9.2500p 2.4000p 7.7083p 2.0000p
AzerbaijanBakuInt Azerbaijan Baku 36.0000p 2.4000p 30.0000p 2.0000p
AzerbaijanMobileInt Azerbaijan Mobile 50.0000p 2.4000p 41.6666p 2.0000p
BahamasInt Bahamas 9.7500p 2.4000p 8.1250p 2.0000p
BahamasMobileNone 16.2500p 2.4000p 13.5417p 2.0000p
BahrainInt Bahrain 19.0000p 2.4000p 15.8333p 2.0000p
BahrainMobileInt Bahrain Mobile 12.0000p 2.4000p 10.0000p 2.0000p
BangladeshInt Bangladesh 6.2500p 2.4000p 5.2083p 2.0000p
BangladeshDhakaInt Bangladesh Dhaka 6.2500p 2.4000p 5.2083p 2.0000p
BangladeshMobileInt Bangladesh Mobile 7.2500p 2.4000p 6.0417p 2.0000p
BarbadosInt Barbados 38.0000p 2.4000p 31.6667p 2.0000p
BarbadosMobileInt Barbados Mobile 25.5000p 2.4000p 21.2500p 2.0000p
BelarusInt Belarus 19.0000p 2.4000p 15.8333p 2.0000p
BelarusMinskInt Belarus Minsk 14.0000p 2.4000p 11.6667p 2.0000p
BelarusMobileInt Belarus Mobile 28.7500p 2.4000p 23.9583p 2.0000p
BelgiumInt Belgium 9.0000p 2.4000p 7.5000p 2.0000p
BelgiumMobileInt Belgium Mobile 4.0000p 2.4000p 3.3333p 2.0000p
BelgiumMobileOtherNone 35.0600p 0.1400p 29.2200p 0.1200p
BelgiumSharedCostNone 49.6800p 0.1400p 41.4000p 0.1200p
BelizeInt Belize 15.0000p 2.4000p 12.5000p 2.0000p
BelizeMobileInt Belize Mobile 15.7500p 2.4000p 13.1250p 2.0000p
BeninInt Benin 13.2500p 2.4000p 11.0417p 2.0000p
BermudaInt Bermuda 4.2500p 2.4000p 3.5417p 2.0000p
BermudaMobileInt Bermuda Mobile 4.0000p 2.4000p 3.3333p 2.0000p
BhutanInt Bhutan 10.2500p 2.4000p 8.5417p 2.0000p
BhutanMobileInt Bhutan Mobile 11.5000p 2.4000p 9.5833p 2.0000p
BoliviaInt Bolivia 17.2500p 2.4000p 14.3750p 2.0000p
BoliviaLaPazInt Bolivia La Paz 17.2500p 2.4000p 14.3750p 2.0000p
BoliviaMobileInt Bolivia Mobile 17.2500p 2.4000p 14.3750p 2.0000p
Bosnia&HerzegovinaInt Bosnia & Herzegovina 10.2500p 2.4000p 8.5417p 2.0000p
Bosnia&HerzegovinaMobileInt Bosnia & Herzegovina Mobile 17.2500p 2.4000p 14.3750p 2.0000p
BotswanaInt Botswana 7.2500p 2.4000p 6.0417p 2.0000p
BotswanaMobileInt Botswana Mobile 17.2500p 2.4000p 14.3750p 2.0000p
BrazilInt Brazil 2.5000p 2.4000p 2.0833p 2.0000p
BrazilBrasiliaInt Brazil Brasilia 2.0000p 2.4000p 1.6667p 2.0000p
BrazilMobileInt Brazil Mobile 10.0000p 2.4000p 8.3333p 2.0000p
BrazilRiodeJaneiroInt Brazil Rio de Janeiro 2.0000p 2.4000p 1.6667p 2.0000p
BrazilSaoPauloInt Brazil Sao Paulo 2.0000p 2.4000p 1.6667p 2.0000p
BritishVirginIslandsInt British Virgin Islands 39.0000p 2.4000p 32.5000p 2.0000p
BritishVirginIslandsMobileNone 16.2500p 2.4000p 13.5417p 2.0000p
BruneiInt Brunei 5.0000p 2.4000p 4.1667p 2.0000p
BruneiMobileInt Brunei Mobile 5.0000p 2.4000p 4.1667p 2.0000p
BulgariaInt Bulgaria 26.0000p 2.4000p 21.6667p 2.0000p
BulgariaMobileInt Bulgaria Mobile 10.0000p 2.4000p 8.3333p 2.0000p
BulgariaSofiaInt Bulgaria Sofia 2.0000p 2.4000p 1.6667p 2.0000p
BurkinaFasoInt Burkina Faso 49.0000p 2.4000p 40.8333p 2.0000p
BurkinaFasoMobileInt Burkina Faso Mobile 39.0000p 2.4000p 32.5000p 2.0000p
BurundiInt Burundi 120.0000p 2.4000p 100.0000p 2.0000p
BurundiMobileInt Burundi Mobile 60.0000p 2.4000p 50.0000p 2.0000p
cPersonal numbers 13.0000p 7.7500p 2.4000p 10.8333p 6.4583p 2.0000p
CambodiaInt Cambodia 7.0000p 2.4000p 5.8333p 2.0000p
CambodiaMobileInt Cambodia Mobile 6.5000p 2.4000p 5.4167p 2.0000p
CameroonInt Cameroon 11.7500p 2.4000p 9.7917p 2.0000p
CameroonMobileInt Cameroon Mobile 16.2500p 2.4000p 13.5417p 2.0000p
CanadaInt Canada 2.0000p 2.4000p 1.6667p 2.0000p
CapeVerdeInt Cape Verde 14.7500p 2.4000p 12.2917p 2.0000p
CapeVerdeMobileInt Cape Verde Mobile 19.2500p 2.4000p 16.0417p 2.0000p
CaymanIslandsInt Cayman Islands 22.8000p 2.4000p 19.0000p 2.0000p
CaymanIslandsMobileNone 21.6000p 2.4000p 18.0000p 2.0000p
CentralAfricanRepublicInt Central African Republic 39.5000p 2.4000p 32.9167p 2.0000p
CentralAfricanRepublicMobileInt Central African Republic Mobile 82.0000p 2.4000p 68.3333p 2.0000p
ChadInt Chad 84.0000p 2.4000p 70.0000p 2.0000p
ChadMobileNone 17.7500p 2.4000p 14.7917p 2.0000p
ChileInt Chile 2.0000p 2.4000p 1.6667p 2.0000p
ChileMobileInt Chile Mobile 10.0000p 2.4000p 8.3333p 2.0000p
ChileSantiagoInt Chile Santiago 2.0000p 2.4000p 1.6667p 2.0000p
ChinaInt China 95.0000p 2.4000p 79.1667p 2.0000p
ChinaGuangzhouInt China Guangzhou 2.0000p 2.4000p 1.6667p 2.0000p
ChristmasIslandInt Christmas Island 30.2500p 2.4000p 25.2083p 2.0000p
Cocos(Keeling)IslandsInt Cocos (Keeling) Islands 9.2500p 2.4000p 7.7083p 2.0000p
ColombiaInt Colombia 5.0000p 2.4000p 4.1667p 2.0000p
ColombiaBaranguillaInt Colombia Baranguilla 2.0000p 2.4000p 1.6667p 2.0000p
ColombiaBogotaInt Colombia Bogota 4.0800p 2.4000p 3.4000p 2.0000p
ColombiaCaliInt Colombia Cali 2.0000p 2.4000p 1.6667p 2.0000p
ColombiaMedellinInt Colombia Medellin 7.0000p 2.4000p 5.8333p 2.0000p
ColombiaMobileInt Colombia Mobile 10.7500p 2.4000p 8.9583p 2.0000p
ColombiaPereiraInt Colombia Pereira 2.5000p 2.4000p 2.0833p 2.0000p
ComorosInt Comoros 25.5000p 2.4000p 21.2500p 2.0000p
ComorosMobileInt Comoros Mobile 30.7500p 2.4000p 25.6250p 2.0000p
CongoInt Congo 112.0000p 2.4000p 93.3333p 2.0000p
Congo(DemocraticRepublicof)None 48.0000p 1.2000p 40.0000p 1.0000p
Congo(DemocraticRepublicof)(Zaire)Int Congo (Democratic Republic of) (Zair 21.0000p 2.4000p 17.5000p 2.0000p
Congo(DemocraticRepublicof)MobileInt Congo (Democratic Republic of) Mobil 17.0000p 2.4000p 14.1667p 2.0000p
CongoMobileInt Congo Mobile 28.5000p 2.4000p 23.7500p 2.0000p
CookIslandsInt Cook Islands 40.5000p 2.4000p 33.7500p 2.0000p
CostaRicaInt Costa Rica 7.2000p 2.4000p 6.0000p 2.0000p
CotedIvoireInt Cote dIvoire 15.2500p 2.4000p 12.7083p 2.0000p
CotedIvoireAbidjanInt Cote dIvoire Abidjan 32.0000p 2.4000p 26.6667p 2.0000p
CotedIvoireMobileInt Cote dIvoire Mobile 20.5000p 2.4000p 17.0833p 2.0000p
CroatiaInt Croatia 10.2000p 2.4000p 8.5000p 2.0000p
CroatiaMobileInt Croatia Mobile 15.7500p 2.4000p 13.1250p 2.0000p
CubaInt Cuba 74.2500p 2.4000p 61.8750p 2.0000p
CubaGuantanamoBayInt Cuba Guantanamo Bay 30.2500p 2.4000p 25.2083p 2.0000p
CyprusInt Cyprus 9.0000p 2.4000p 7.5000p 2.0000p
CyprusMobileInt Cyprus Mobile 12.0000p 2.4000p 10.0000p 2.0000p
CyprusNorthInt Cyprus North 6.4500p 2.4000p 5.3750p 2.0000p
CyprusNorthMobileInt Cyprus North Mobile 35.0000p 2.4000p 29.1667p 2.0000p
CzechPragueInt Czech Prague 2.0000p 2.4000p 1.6667p 2.0000p
CzechRepublicInt Czech Republic 2.0000p 2.4000p 1.6667p 2.0000p
CzechRepublicMobileInt Czech Republic Mobile 11.7500p 2.4000p 9.7917p 2.0000p
dPersonal numbers 13.2500p 9.7500p 2.4000p 11.0417p 8.1250p 2.0000p
DenmarkInt Denmark 2.0000p 2.4000p 1.6667p 2.0000p
DenmarkMobileInt Denmark Mobile 16.0000p 2.4000p 13.3333p 2.0000p
DenmarkNGInt Denmark Non Geo 2.0000p 2.4000p 1.6667p 2.0000p
DiegoGarciaInt Diego Garcia 155.0000p 2.4000p 129.1667p 2.0000p
DjiboutiInt Djibouti 28.5000p 2.4000p 23.7500p 2.0000p
DjiboutiMobileInt Djibouti Mobile 28.5000p 2.4000p 23.7500p 2.0000p
DominicaInt Dominica 9.2500p 2.4000p 7.7083p 2.0000p
DominicaMobileInt Dominica Mobile 19.5000p 2.4000p 16.2500p 2.0000p
DominicanRepublicInt Dominican Republic 3.5000p 2.4000p 2.9167p 2.0000p
DominicanRepublicMobileInt Dominican Republic Mobile 9.0000p 2.4000p 7.5000p 2.0000p
DominicanRepublicPagerNone 7.7500p 2.4000p 6.4583p 2.0000p
ePersonal numbers 5.0000p 2.4000p 4.1667p 2.0000p
EastTimorInt East Timor 25.2500p 2.4000p 21.0417p 2.0000p
EcuadorInt Ecuador 24.0000p 2.4000p 20.0000p 2.0000p
EcuadorMobileInt Ecuador Mobile 24.0000p 2.4000p 20.0000p 2.0000p
EcuadorQuitoInt Ecuador Quito 24.0000p 2.4000p 20.0000p 2.0000p
EgyptInt Egypt 11.0000p 2.4000p 9.1667p 2.0000p
EgyptCairoInt Egypt Cairo 23.0000p 2.4000p 19.1667p 2.0000p
EgyptMobileInt Egypt Mobile 23.0000p 2.4000p 19.1667p 2.0000p
ElSalvadorInt El Salvador 7.7500p 2.4000p 6.4583p 2.0000p
Emsat(Satellite)Int Emsat ( Satellite ) 335.7500p 2.4000p 279.7917p 2.0000p
EquatorialGuineaInt Equatorial Guinea 44.0000p 2.4000p 36.6667p 2.0000p
EritreaInt Eritrea 22.5000p 2.4000p 18.7500p 2.0000p
EstoniaInt Estonia 53.0000p 2.4000p 44.1667p 2.0000p
EstoniaMobileInt Estonia Mobile 21.2500p 2.4000p 17.7083p 2.0000p
EthiopiaInt Ethiopia 41.0000p 2.4000p 34.1667p 2.0000p
EthiopiaMobileInt Ethiopia Mobile 28.0000p 2.4000p 23.3333p 2.0000p
fPersonal numbers 22.8000p 18.0000p 2.4000p 19.0000p 15.0000p 2.0000p
FalklandIslandsInt Falkland Islands 35.2500p 2.4000p 29.3750p 2.0000p
FaroeIslandsInt Faroe Islands 9.5000p 2.4000p 7.9167p 2.0000p
ff28None 0.0000p 10.1800p 0.0000p 8.4800p
ff9None 0.0900p 0.0750p
FijiInt Fiji 16.5000p 2.4000p 13.7500p 2.0000p
FinlandInt Finland 6.0000p 2.4000p 5.0000p 2.0000p
FinlandMobileInt Finland Mobile 9.7500p 2.4000p 8.1250p 2.0000p
FinlandUniversalAccessNumberFinland Universal Access Number 12.2500p 2.4000p 10.2083p 2.0000p
fm1Mobile (o2) 4.0000p 2.4000p 3.3333p 2.0000p
fm10None 4.0000p 2.4000p 3.3333p 2.0000p
fm11None 17.6200p 2.4000p 14.6800p 2.0000p
fm12None 4.0000p 2.4000p 3.3333p 2.0000p
fm16None 4.0000p 2.4000p 3.3333p 2.0000p
fm2Mobile 15.2500p 2.4000p 12.7083p 2.0000p
fm3Mobile (T-Mobile) 4.0000p 2.4000p 3.3333p 2.0000p
fm4Mobile (Orange) 4.0000p 2.4000p 3.3333p 2.0000p
fm5Mobile (Vodafone) 4.0000p 2.4000p 3.3333p 2.0000p
fm6Mobile (3) 4.0000p 2.4000p 3.3333p 2.0000p
fm7Mobile 15.0000p 2.4000p 12.5000p 2.0000p
fm8Mobile 15.0000p 2.4000p 12.5000p 2.0000p
fm9Mobile 15.7500p 10.0000p 2.4000p 13.1250p 8.3333p 2.0000p
FranceInt France 1.0000p 2.4000p 0.8333p 2.0000p
FranceMobileInt France Mobile 12.0000p 2.4000p 10.0000p 2.0000p
FrancePersonal/PremuimNone 51.0000p 2.4000p 42.5000p 2.0000p
FrenchGuianaInt French Guiana 4.5000p 2.4000p 3.7500p 2.0000p
FrenchGuianaMobileInt French Guiana Mobile 23.2500p 2.4000p 19.3750p 2.0000p
FrenchPolynesiaInt French Polynesia 14.5000p 2.4000p 12.0833p 2.0000p
FrenchPremiumInt French Premium 2.0000p 2.4000p 1.6667p 2.0000p
fw10None 1.3800p 0.1400p 1.1500p 0.1200p
fw12None 0.9600p 0.1400p 0.8000p 0.1200p
fw5WiFi numbers 0.1700p 0.1400p 0.1400p 0.1200p
fw6WiFi numbers 18.0000p 18.0000p 15.0000p 15.0000p
fw7None 4.0000p 2.4000p 3.3333p 2.0000p
fw9None 2.0000p 2.0000p 1.0000p 2.4000p 1.6667p 1.6667p 0.8333p 2.0000p
g21Other calls 5.0000p 2.0000p 2.4000p 4.1667p 1.6667p 2.0000p
g605x VoIP calls 7.5000p 2.4000p 6.2500p 2.0000p
GabonInt Gabon 16.7500p 2.4000p 13.9583p 2.0000p
GabonMobileInt Gabon Mobile 18.0000p 2.4000p 15.0000p 2.0000p
GambiaInt Gambia 28.5000p 2.4000p 23.7500p 2.0000p
GambiaMobileInt Gambia Mobile 32.7500p 2.4000p 27.2917p 2.0000p
GeorgiaInt Georgia 46.7500p 2.4000p 38.9600p 2.0000p
GeorgiaMobileInt Georgia Mobile 9.0000p 2.4000p 7.5000p 2.0000p
GeorgiaTbilisiInt Georgia Tbilisi 2.7500p 2.4000p 2.2917p 2.0000p
GermanyInt Germany 1.0000p 2.4000p 0.8333p 2.0000p
GermanyBonnInt Germany Bonn 2.0000p 2.4000p 1.6667p 2.0000p
GermanyMobileInt Germany Mobile 11.2500p 2.4000p 9.3750p 2.0000p
GhanaInt Ghana 39.0000p 2.4000p 32.5000p 2.0000p
GhanaAccraInt Ghana Accra 9.7500p 2.4000p 8.1250p 2.0000p
GhanaMobileInt Ghana Mobile 31.0000p 2.4000p 25.8333p 2.0000p
GibraltarInt Gibraltar 6.0000p 2.4000p 5.0000p 2.0000p
GibraltarMobileInt Gibraltar Mobile 20.5000p 2.4000p 17.0833p 2.0000p
GreeceInt Greece 5.0000p 2.4000p 4.1667p 2.0000p
GreeceAthensInt Greece Athens 2.4700p 2.4000p 2.0600p 2.0000p
GreeceMobileInt Greece Mobile 14.0000p 2.4000p 11.6667p 2.0000p
GreenlandInt Greenland 40.7500p 2.4000p 33.9583p 2.0000p
GreenlandMobileNone 49.0000p 2.4000p 40.8333p 2.0000p
GrenadaInt Grenada 39.0000p 2.4000p 32.5000p 2.0000p
GrenadaMobileInt Grenada Mobile 15.7500p 2.4000p 13.1250p 2.0000p
GuadaloupeInt Guadaloupe 2.5000p 2.4000p 2.0833p 2.0000p
GuadaloupeMobileInt Guadaloupe Mobile 39.2500p 27.0000p 2.4000p 32.7083p 22.5000p 2.0000p
GuamInt Guam 2.0000p 2.4000p 1.6667p 2.0000p
GuatemalaInt Guatemala 8.2500p 2.4000p 6.8750p 2.0000p
GuatemalaMobileInt Guatemala Mobile 9.0000p 2.4000p 7.5000p 2.0000p
GuineaInt Guinea 72.0000p 2.4000p 60.0000p 2.0000p
GuineaBissauInt Guinea Bissau 64.0000p 2.4000p 53.3333p 2.0000p
GuineaMobileInt Guinea Mobile 49.0000p 2.4000p 40.8333p 2.0000p
GuyanaInt Guyana 20.2500p 2.4000p 16.8750p 2.0000p
HaitiInt Haiti 10.5000p 2.4000p 8.7500p 2.0000p
HaitiMobileInt Haiti Mobile 16.0000p 2.4000p 13.3333p 2.0000p
HaitiPortauPrinceInt Haiti Port au Prince 10.2500p 2.4000p 8.5417p 2.0000p
HondurasInt Honduras 12.0000p 2.4000p 10.0000p 2.0000p
HondurasMobileInt Honduras Mobile 13.7500p 2.4000p 11.4583p 2.0000p
HongKongInt Hong Kong 4.0000p 2.4000p 3.3333p 2.0000p
HongKongMobileInt Hong Kong Mobile 5.0000p 2.4000p 4.1667p 2.0000p
HungaryInt Hungary 2.0000p 2.4000p 1.6667p 2.0000p
HungaryBudapestInt Hungary Budapest 2.0000p 2.4000p 1.6667p 2.0000p
HungaryMobileInt Hungary Mobile 11.0000p 2.4000p 9.1667p 2.0000p
I07Inbound mobile 0.0000p 0.0000p
I080Inbound freephone calls 2.5000p 2.4000p 2.0833p 2.0000p
I080MInbound freephone (mobile) 2.5000p 2.4000p 2.0833p 2.0000p
I080PInbound freephone (payphone) 2.5000p 2.4000p 2.0833p 2.0000p
I0871Inbound 0871 0.0000p 0.0000p
IcelandInt Iceland 2.0000p 2.4000p 1.6667p 2.0000p
IcelandMobileInt Iceland Mobile 14.7500p 2.4000p 12.2917p 2.0000p
IndiaInt India 5.0000p 2.4000p 4.1667p 2.0000p
IndiaBangaloreInt India Bangalore 4.7500p 2.4000p 3.9583p 2.0000p
IndiaBombayInt India Bombay 4.7500p 2.4000p 3.9583p 2.0000p
IndiaCalcuttaInt India Calcutta 5.0000p 2.4000p 4.1667p 2.0000p
IndiaDelhiInt India Delhi 4.7500p 2.4000p 3.9583p 2.0000p
IndiaHydrabadInt India Hydrabad 4.7500p 2.4000p 3.9583p 2.0000p
IndiaMadrasInt India Madras 5.0000p 2.4000p 4.1667p 2.0000p
IndiaMobileInt India Mobile 4.0000p 2.4000p 3.3333p 2.0000p
IndonesiaInt Indonesia 5.5000p 2.4000p 4.5833p 2.0000p
IndonesiaJakartaInt Indonesia Jakarta 8.0000p 2.4000p 6.6667p 2.0000p
IndonesiaMobileInt Indonesia Mobile 8.2500p 2.4000p 6.8750p 2.0000p
IndonesiaSurabayaInt Indonesia Surabaya 2.2500p 2.4000p 1.8750p 2.0000p
InternationalFreephoneInt International Freephone 0.0000p 0.0000p
IranInt Iran 4.7500p 2.4000p 3.9583p 2.0000p
IranMobileInt Iran Mobile 20.0000p 2.4000p 16.6667p 2.0000p
IranTehranInt Iran Tehran 13.0000p 2.4000p 10.8333p 2.0000p
IraqInt Iraq 30.0000p 2.4000p 25.0000p 2.0000p
IraqBaghdadInt Iraq Baghdad 3.7500p 2.4000p 3.1250p 2.0000p
IraqMobileInt Iraq Mobile 30.0000p 2.4000p 25.0000p 2.0000p
IrelandInt Ireland 1.0000p 2.4000p 0.8333p 2.0000p
IrelandH3GMblIreland H3G Mobile 2.0000p 2.4000p 1.6667p 2.0000p
IrelandImagineMblIreland Imagine Mobile 21.7500p 2.4000p 18.1250p 2.0000p
IrelandMeteorMblIreland Meteor Mobile 21.7500p 2.4000p 18.1250p 2.0000p
IrelandMobileInt Ireland Mobile 15.7500p 13.2500p 2.4000p 13.1250p 11.0417p 2.0000p
IrelandNonGeographicNone 20.7000p 0.1400p 17.2500p 0.1200p
IrelandO2MblInt Ireland 02 Mobile 2.0000p 1.6667p
IrelandVodafoneMblIreland Vodafone Mobile 2.0000p 2.4000p 1.6667p 2.0000p
IridiumInt Iridium 483.0000p 2.4000p 402.5000p 2.0000p
IsraelInt Israel 2.0000p 2.4000p 1.6667p 2.0000p
IsraelMobileInt Israel Mobile 5.5000p 2.4000p 4.5833p 2.0000p
ItalyInt Italy 1.0000p 2.4000p 0.8333p 2.0000p
ItalyMilanInt Italy Milan 2.0000p 2.4000p 1.6667p 2.0000p
ItalyMobileInt Italy Mobile 16.0000p 0.1400p 13.3333p 0.1200p
ItalyRomeInt Italy Rome 2.0000p 2.4000p 1.6667p 2.0000p
jPersonal numbers 32.7500p 22.5000p 2.4000p 27.2917p 18.7500p 2.0000p
JamaicaInt Jamaica 36.0000p 2.4000p 30.0000p 2.0000p
JamaicaMobileInt Jamaica Mobile 14.5000p 2.4000p 12.0833p 2.0000p
JapanInt Japan 3.5000p 2.4000p 2.9167p 2.0000p
JapanMobileInt Japan Mobile 9.5000p 2.4000p 7.9167p 2.0000p
JordanInt Jordan 31.0000p 2.4000p 25.8333p 2.0000p
JordanAmmanInt Jordan Amman 10.5000p 2.4000p 8.7500p 2.0000p
JordanMobileInt Jordan Mobile 6.5000p 2.4000p 5.4167p 2.0000p
kPersonal numbers 38.2500p 25.5000p 2.4000p 31.8750p 21.2500p 2.0000p
KazakstanInt Kazakstan 10.2500p 10.2500p 9.5000p 2.4000p 8.5417p 8.5417p 7.9167p 2.0000p
KazakstanMobileInt Kazakstan Mobile 29.0000p 2.4000p 24.1667p 2.0000p
KenyaInt Kenya 28.0000p 2.4000p 23.3333p 2.0000p
KenyaMobileInt Kenya Mobile 21.0000p 2.4000p 17.5000p 2.0000p
KenyaNairobiInt Kenya Nairobi 20.0000p 2.4000p 16.6667p 2.0000p
KiribatiInt Kiribati 41.5000p 2.4000p 34.5833p 2.0000p
KiribatiMobileInt Kiribati Mobile 40.0000p 2.4000p 33.3333p 2.0000p
Korea(North)Int Korea (North) 191.0000p 2.4000p 159.1667p 2.0000p
Korea(South)Int Korea (South) 2.0000p 2.4000p 1.6667p 2.0000p
Korea(South)MobileInt Korea (South) Mobile 3.5000p 2.4000p 2.9167p 2.0000p
KuwaitInt Kuwait 5.0000p 2.4000p 4.1667p 2.0000p
KuwaitMobileInt Kuwait Mobile 14.0000p 2.4000p 11.6667p 2.0000p
KyrgyzstanInt Kyrgyzstan 7.7500p 2.4000p 6.4583p 2.0000p
KyrgyzstanBishkekInt Kyrgyzstan Bishkek 7.0000p 2.4000p 5.8333p 2.0000p
KyrgyzstanMobileInt Kyrgyzstan Mobile 7.2500p 2.4000p 6.0417p 2.0000p
LaosInt Laos 4.5000p 2.4000p 3.7500p 2.0000p
LatviaInt Latvia 2.5000p 2.4000p 2.0833p 2.0000p
LatviaMobileInt Latvia Mobile 10.0000p 2.4000p 8.3333p 2.0000p
LatviaRigaInt Latvia Riga 2.2500p 2.4000p 1.8750p 2.0000p
LebanonInt Lebanon 15.0000p 2.4000p 12.5000p 2.0000p
LebanonMobileInt Lebanon Mobile 25.0000p 2.4000p 20.8333p 2.0000p
LesothoInt Lesotho 14.2500p 2.4000p 11.8750p 2.0000p
LesothoMobileInt Lesotho Mobile 17.5000p 2.4000p 14.5833p 2.0000p
LiberiaInt Liberia 23.5000p 2.4000p 19.5833p 2.0000p
LiberiaMobileInt Liberia Mobile 40.0000p 2.4000p 33.3333p 2.0000p
LibyaInt Libya 17.2500p 2.4000p 14.3750p 2.0000p
LibyaMobileInt Libya Mobile 23.5000p 2.4000p 19.5833p 2.0000p
LiechtensteinInt Liechtenstein 11.0000p 2.4000p 9.1667p 2.0000p
LiechtensteinMobileInt Liechtenstein Mobile 35.5000p 2.4000p 29.5833p 2.0000p
LithuaniaInt Lithuania 3.5000p 2.4000p 2.9167p 2.0000p
LithuaniaMobileInt Lithuania Mobile 57.0000p 2.4000p 47.5000p 2.0000p
LocalNTSNon-geographic UK calls "local" rate such as 0845 4.7500p 2.5000p 4.8500p 3.9583p 2.0833p 4.0426p
LuxembourgInt Luxembourg 2.0000p 2.4000p 1.6667p 2.0000p
LuxembourgMobileInt Luxembourg Mobile 15.7500p 2.4000p 13.1250p 2.0000p
MacauInt Macau 5.0000p 2.4000p 4.1667p 2.0000p
MacedoniaInt Macedonia 7.2500p 2.4000p 6.0417p 2.0000p
MacedoniaMobileInt Macedonia Mobile 37.5000p 2.4000p 31.2500p 2.0000p
MacedoniaSkopjeInt Macedonia Skopje 7.7500p 2.4000p 6.4583p 2.0000p
MadagascarInt Madagascar 24.5000p 2.4000p 20.4167p 2.0000p
MadagascarMobileInt Madagascar Mobile 91.0000p 2.4000p 75.8333p 2.0000p
MalawiInt Malawi 12.0000p 2.4000p 10.0000p 2.0000p
MalawiMobileInt Malawi Mobile 47.0000p 2.4000p 39.1667p 2.0000p
MalaysiaInt Malaysia 14.0000p 2.4000p 11.6667p 2.0000p
MalaysiaMobileInt Malaysia Mobile 6.0000p 2.4000p 5.0000p 2.0000p
MaldivesInt Maldives 9.2500p 2.4000p 7.7083p 2.0000p
MaldivesMobileInt Maldives Mobile 16.0000p 2.4000p 13.3333p 2.0000p
MaliInt Mali 32.0000p 2.4000p 26.6667p 2.0000p
MaliMobileInt Mali Mobile 53.0000p 2.4000p 44.1667p 2.0000p
MaltaInt Malta 4.5000p 2.4000p 3.7500p 2.0000p
MaltaMobileInt Malta Mobile 18.2500p 2.4000p 15.2083p 2.0000p
MarianaIslandsNone 2.0000p 2.4000p 1.6667p 2.0000p
MarianaIslands&NorthernMarianasInt Mariana Islands & Northern Marianas 2.0000p 2.4000p 1.6667p 2.0000p
MarshallIslandsInt Marshall Islands 19.2500p 2.4000p 16.0417p 2.0000p
MartiniqueInt Martinique 2.2500p 2.4000p 1.8750p 2.0000p
MartiniqueMobileInt Martinique Mobile 23.0000p 2.4000p 19.1667p 2.0000p
MauritaniaInt Mauritania 86.0000p 2.4000p 71.6667p 2.0000p
MauritaniaMobileInt Mauritania Mobile 23.0000p 2.4000p 19.1667p 2.0000p
MauritiusInt Mauritius 26.0000p 2.4000p 21.6667p 2.0000p
MayotteInt Mayotte 8.2500p 2.4000p 6.8750p 2.0000p
MexicoInt Mexico 6.5000p 2.4000p 5.4167p 2.0000p
MexicoGuadalajaraInt Mexico Guadalajara 2.0000p 2.4000p 1.6667p 2.0000p
MexicoMexicoCityInt Mexico Mexico City 2.0000p 2.4000p 1.6667p 2.0000p
MexicoMobileInt Mexico Mobile 16.5000p 2.4000p 13.7500p 2.0000p
MexicoMonterreyInt Mexico Monterrey 2.0000p 2.4000p 1.6667p 2.0000p
MicronesiaInt Micronesia 14.0000p 2.4000p 11.6667p 2.0000p
MidwayIslandsInt Midway Islands 112.0000p 2.4000p 93.3333p 2.0000p
MMCall to A&A mobile 07 number 3.0000p 1.2000p 2.5000p 1.0000p
MOA&A mobile originated surcharge 3.0000p 1.2000p 2.5000p 1.0000p
MobAustraliaInt/Mobile Australia 11.2500p 2.4000p 9.3750p 2.0000p
MobAustriaInt/Mobile Austria 36.0000p 2.4000p 30.0000p 2.0000p
MobBelgiumInt/Mobile Belguim 18.5000p 18.2500p 2.4000p 15.4167p 15.2083p 2.0000p
MobDenmarkInt/Mobile Denmark 16.7500p 2.4000p 13.9583p 2.0000p
MobFranceInt/Mobile France 15.0000p 2.4000p 12.5000p 2.0000p
MobGermanyInt/Mobile Germany 15.7500p 2.4000p 13.1250p 2.0000p
MobGreeceInt/Mobile Greece 2.0000p 2.4000p 1.6667p 2.0000p
MobileA&A mobile relay 3.0000p 1.0200p 2.5000p 0.8500p
MobItalyInt/Mobile Italy 21.2500p 2.4000p 17.7083p 2.0000p
MobMoroccoInt/Mobile Morocco 20.5000p 2.4000p 17.0833p 2.0000p
MobNetherlandsInt/Mobile Netherlands 12.0000p 2.4000p 10.0000p 2.0000p
MobNewZealandInt/Mobile New Zealand 7.0000p 2.4000p 5.8333p 2.0000p
MobNorwayInt/Mobile Norway 16.0000p 2.4000p 13.3333p 2.0000p
MobSpainInt/Mobile Spain 63.0000p 2.4000p 52.5000p 2.0000p
MobSwedenInt/Mobile Sweden 10.7500p 10.2500p 2.4000p 8.9583p 8.5417p 2.0000p
MoldovaInt Moldova 47.0000p 2.4000p 39.1667p 2.0000p
MoldovaChisinauInt Moldova Chisinau 8.5000p 2.4000p 7.0833p 2.0000p
MoldovaMobileInt Moldova Mobile 15.7500p 2.4000p 13.1250p 2.0000p
MonacoInt Monaco 7.0000p 2.4000p 5.8333p 2.0000p
MonacoKosovoMobileInt Monaco Kosovo Mobile 19.5000p 2.4000p 16.2500p 2.0000p
MonacoMobileInt Monaco Mobile 26.7500p 2.4000p 22.2917p 2.0000p
MongoliaInt Mongolia 7.5000p 2.4000p 6.2500p 2.0000p
MontserratInt Montserrat 35.0000p 2.4000p 29.1667p 2.0000p
MontserratMobileNone 18.0000p 2.4000p 15.0000p 2.0000p
MontserratPagerNone 18.0000p 2.4000p 15.0000p 2.0000p
MoroccoInt Morocco 12.2500p 2.4000p 10.2083p 2.0000p
MoroccoCasablancaInt Morocco Casablanca 12.0000p 2.4000p 10.0000p 2.0000p
MoroccoMobileInt Morocco Mobile 45.0000p 2.4000p 37.5000p 2.0000p
MozambiqueInt Mozambique 6.7500p 2.4000p 5.6250p 2.0000p
MozambiqueMobileInt Mozambique Mobile 11.2500p 2.4000p 9.3750p 2.0000p
MTA&A mobile terminated surcharge 3.0000p 1.2000p 2.5000p 1.0000p
Myanmar(Burma)Int Myanmar (Burma) 21.5000p 2.4000p 17.9167p 2.0000p
NamibiaInt Namibia 6.2500p 2.4000p 5.2083p 2.0000p
NamibiaMobileInt Namibia Mobile 19.7500p 2.4000p 16.4583p 2.0000p
NationalNTSNon-geographic UK calls "national" rate such as 0870 9.2500p 4.7500p 2.4000p 7.7083p 3.9583p 2.0000p
NauruInt Nauru 54.2500p 2.4000p 45.2083p 2.0000p
NepalInt Nepal 12.5000p 2.4000p 10.4167p 2.0000p
NepalBhaktapur/KathmanduInt Nepal Bhaktapur / Kathmandu 23.0000p 2.4000p 19.1666p 2.0000p
NepalMobileInt Nepal Mobile 15.0000p 2.4000p 12.5000p 2.0000p
NetherlandsInt Netherlands 2.4000p 2.4000p 2.0000p 2.0000p
NetherlandsAntillesInt Netherlands Antilles 20.0000p 2.4000p 16.6667p 2.0000p
NetherlandsAntillesMobileInt Netherlands Antilles Mobile 9.5000p 2.4000p 7.9167p 2.0000p
NetherlandsMobileInt Netherlands Mobile 8.4000p 2.4000p 7.0000p 2.0000p
NewCaledoniaInt New Caledonia 19.2500p 2.4000p 16.0417p 2.0000p
NewZealandInt New Zealand 3.0000p 2.4000p 2.5000p 2.0000p
NewZealandMobileInt New Zealand Mobile 18.2500p 2.4000p 15.2083p 2.0000p
NicaraguaInt Nicaragua 20.0000p 2.4000p 16.6667p 2.0000p
NicaraguaMobileInt Nicaragua Mobile 16.2500p 2.4000p 13.5417p 2.0000p
NigerInt Niger 16.7500p 2.4000p 13.9583p 2.0000p
NigeriaInt Nigeria 9.7500p 2.4000p 8.1250p 2.0000p
NigeriaLagosInt Nigeria Lagos 8.2500p 2.4000p 6.8750p 2.0000p
NigeriaMobileInt Nigeria Mobile 10.5000p 2.4000p 8.7500p 2.0000p
NigerMobileInt Niger Mobile 10.2500p 2.4000p 8.5417p 2.0000p
NiueInt Niue 42.5000p 2.4000p 35.4167p 2.0000p
nofeeFree to call 0.0000p 0.0000p
NorfolkIslandInt Norfolk Island 64.5000p 2.4000p 53.7500p 2.0000p
NorwayInt Norway 2.0000p 2.4000p 1.6667p 2.0000p
NorwayMobileInt Norway Mobile 13.2500p 2.4000p 11.0417p 2.0000p
OmanInt Oman 30.0000p 2.4000p 25.0000p 2.0000p
ONSIMNone 0.0000p 0.0000p
PakistanInt Pakistan 7.7500p 2.4000p 6.4583p 2.0000p
PalauInt Palau 16.5000p 2.4000p 13.7500p 2.0000p
PalestineInt Palestine 19.5000p 2.4000p 16.2500p 2.0000p
PalestineMobileInt Palestine Mobile 19.5000p 2.4000p 16.2500p 2.0000p
PanamaInt Panama 2.0000p 2.4000p 1.6667p 2.0000p
PanamaCityInt Panama City 2.0000p 2.4000p 1.6667p 2.0000p
PanamaMobileInt Panama Mobile 11.2500p 2.4000p 9.3750p 2.0000p
PapuaNewGuineaInt Papua New Guinea 32.0000p 2.4000p 26.6667p 2.0000p
PapuaNewGuineaMobileInt Papua New Guinea Mobile 34.7500p 2.4000p 28.9583p 2.0000p
ParaguayInt Paraguay 6.2500p 2.4000p 5.2083p 2.0000p
ParaguayAsuncionInt Paraguay Asuncion 3.2500p 2.4000p 2.7083p 2.0000p
ParaguayMobileInt Paraguay Mobile 8.2500p 2.4000p 6.8750p 2.0000p
PeruInt Peru 2.5000p 2.4000p 2.0833p 2.0000p
PeruLimaInt Peru Lima 2.0000p 2.4000p 1.6667p 2.0000p
PeruMobileInt Peru Mobile 5.5000p 2.4000p 4.5833p 2.0000p
PhilippinesInt Philippines 24.0000p 2.4000p 20.0000p 2.0000p
PhilippinesMobileInt Philippines Mobile 18.0000p 2.4000p 15.0000p 2.0000p
pn2UK Personal pn2 4.0000p 2.4000p 3.3333p 2.0000p
PolandInt Poland 6.0000p 2.4000p 5.0000p 2.0000p
PolandMobileInt Poland Mobile 3.0000p 2.4000p 2.5000p 2.0000p
PolandMobileP4Int Poland Mobile P4 20.0000p 2.4000p 16.6667p 2.0000p
PolandMobilePlusNone 8.2500p 2.4000p 6.8750p 2.0000p
PolandWarsawInt Poland Warsaw 2.0000p 2.4000p 1.6667p 2.0000p
PortugalInt Portugal 3.0000p 2.4000p 2.5000p 2.0000p
PortugalAzoresInt Portugal Azores 2.0000p 2.4000p 1.6667p 2.0000p
PortugalLisbonInt Portugal Lisbon 2.0000p 2.4000p 1.6667p 2.0000p
PortugalMadeiraIslandInt Portugal Madeira Island 2.0000p 2.4000p 1.6667p 2.0000p
PortugalMobileInt Portugal Mobile 44.0000p 2.4000p 36.6667p 2.0000p
PortugalOportoInt Portugal Oporto 2.0000p 2.4000p 1.6667p 2.0000p
PuertoRicoInt Puerto Rico 2.0000p 2.4000p 1.6667p 2.0000p
QatarInt Qatar 25.0000p 2.4000p 20.8333p 2.0000p
QatarMobileInt Qatar Mobile 22.0000p 2.4000p 18.3333p 2.0000p
rNone 4.0000p 2.4000p 3.3333p 2.0000p
ReunionInt Reunion 3.2500p 2.4000p 2.7083p 2.0000p
ReunionMobileInt Reunion Mobile 16.5000p 2.4000p 13.7500p 2.0000p
RomaniaInt Romania 2.5000p 2.4000p 2.0833p 2.0000p
RomaniaBucharestInt Romania Bucharest 2.0000p 2.4000p 1.6667p 2.0000p
RomaniaMobileInt Romania Mobile 12.2500p 2.4000p 10.2083p 2.0000p
RussiaInt Russia 23.0000p 2.4000p 19.1667p 2.0000p
RussiaMobileInt Russia Mobile 29.0000p 2.4000p 24.1667p 2.0000p
RussiaMoscow(Central)Int Russia Moscow (Central) 4.0000p 2.4000p 3.3333p 2.0000p
RussiaStPetersburgInt Russia St Petersburg 2.0000p 2.4000p 1.6667p 2.0000p
RwandaInt Rwanda 60.0000p 2.4000p 50.0000p 2.0000p
RwandaMobileInt Rwanda Mobile 16.0000p 2.4000p 13.3333p 2.0000p
SamoaInt Samoa 21.7500p 2.4000p 18.1250p 2.0000p
SamoaMobileInt Samoa Mobile 31.7500p 2.4000p 26.4583p 2.0000p
SanMarinoInt San Marino 2.0000p 2.4000p 1.6667p 2.0000p
SaoTome&PrincipeInt Sao Tome & Principe 72.2500p 2.4000p 60.2083p 2.0000p
SaudiArabiaInt Saudi Arabia 13.0000p 2.4000p 10.8333p 2.0000p
SaudiArabiaJeddahInt Saudi Arabia Jeddah 7.2500p 2.4000p 6.0417p 2.0000p
SaudiArabiaMobileInt Saudi Arabia Mobile 17.0000p 2.4000p 14.1667p 2.0000p
SaudiArabiaRiyadhInt Saudi Arabia Riyadh 7.2500p 2.4000p 6.0417p 2.0000p
SC001SC FREE + AC 2p/min 2.0000p 2.0000p 1.6667p 1.6667p
SC002SC 1p/min + AC 2p/min 3.6000p 2.0000p 3.0000p 1.6667p
SC003SC 2p/min + AC 2p/min 4.0000p 2.0000p 3.3334p 1.6667p
SC004SC 3p/min + AC 2p/min 6.0000p 2.0000p 5.0000p 1.6667p
SC005SC 4p/min + AC 2p/min 6.0000p 2.0000p 5.0000p 1.6667p
SC006SC 5p/min + AC 2p/min 7.0000p 2.0000p 5.8334p 1.6667p
SC007SC 6p/min + AC 2p/min 8.0000p 2.0000p 6.6667p 1.6667p
SC008SC 7p/min + AC 2p/min 9.0000p 2.0000p 7.5000p 1.6667p
SC009SC 8p/min + AC 2p/min 10.0000p 2.0000p 8.3334p 1.6667p
SC010SC 9p/min + AC 2p/min 11.0000p 2.0000p 9.1667p 1.6667p
SC011SC 10p/min + AC 2p/min 12.0000p 2.0000p 10.0000p 1.6667p
SC012SC 11p/min + AC 2p/min 13.0000p 2.0000p 10.8334p 1.6667p
SC013SC 12p/min + AC 2p/min 14.0000p 2.0000p 11.6667p 1.6667p
SC014SC 13p/min + AC 2p/min 15.3600p 2.0000p 12.8000p 1.6667p
SC015SC 15p/min + AC 2p/min 17.0000p 2.0000p 14.1667p 1.6667p
SC016SC 20p/min + AC 2p/min 22.0000p 2.0000p 18.3334p 1.6667p
SC017SC 25p/min + AC 2p/min 27.0000p 2.0000p 22.5000p 1.6667p
SC018SC 30p/min + AC 2p/min 32.0000p 2.0000p 26.6667p 1.6667p
SC019SC 35p/min + AC 2p/min 37.0000p 2.0000p 30.8334p 1.6667p
SC020SC 36p/min + AC 2p/min 38.0000p 2.0000p 31.6667p 1.6667p
SC021SC 40p/min + AC 2p/min 42.0000p 2.0000p 35.0000p 1.6667p
SC022SC 45p/min + AC 2p/min 47.0000p 2.0000p 39.1667p 1.6667p
SC023SC 46p/min + AC 2p/min 48.0000p 2.0000p 40.0000p 1.6667p
SC024SC 50p/min + AC 2p/min 52.0000p 2.0000p 43.3334p 1.6667p
SC025SC 55p/min + AC 2p/min 57.0000p 2.0000p 47.5000p 1.6667p
SC026SC 60p/min + AC 2p/min 62.0000p 2.0000p 51.6667p 1.6667p
SC027SC 65p/min + AC 2p/min 67.0000p 2.0000p 55.8334p 1.6667p
SC028SC 70p/min + AC 2p/min 72.0000p 2.0000p 60.0000p 1.6667p
SC029SC 75p/min + AC 2p/min 77.0000p 2.0000p 64.1667p 1.6667p
SC030SC 80p/min + AC 2p/min 82.0000p 2.0000p 68.3334p 1.6667p
SC031SC 90p/min + AC 2p/min 92.0000p 2.0000p 76.6667p 1.6667p
SC032SC 95p/min + AC 2p/min 97.0000p 2.0000p 80.8334p 1.6667p
SC033SC 99p/min + AC 2p/min 101.0000p 2.0000p 84.1667p 1.6667p
SC034SC 100p/min + AC 2p/min 102.0000p 2.0000p 85.0000p 1.6667p
SC035SC 110p/min + AC 2p/min 112.0000p 2.0000p 93.3334p 1.6667p
SC036SC 120p/min + AC 2p/min 122.0000p 2.0000p 101.6667p 1.6667p
SC037SC 145p/min + AC 2p/min 147.0000p 2.0000p 122.5000p 1.6667p
SC038SC 150p/min + AC 2p/min 152.0000p 2.0000p 126.6667p 1.6667p
SC039SC 155p/min + AC 2p/min 157.0000p 2.0000p 130.8334p 1.6667p
SC040SC 180p/min + AC 2p/min 182.0000p 2.0000p 151.6667p 1.6667p
SC041SC 200p/min + AC 2p/min 202.0000p 2.0000p 168.3334p 1.6667p
SC042SC 220p/min + AC 2p/min 222.0000p 2.0000p 185.0000p 1.6667p
SC043SC 250p/min + AC 2p/min 252.0000p 2.0000p 210.0000p 1.6667p
SC044SC 300p/min + AC 2p/min 302.0000p 2.0000p 251.6667p 1.6667p
SC045SC 360p/min + AC 2p/min 362.0000p 2.0000p 301.6667p 1.6667p
SC046SC 5p/call + AC 2p/min 2.0000p 7.0000p 1.6667p 5.8334p
SC047SC 10p/call + AC 2p/min 2.0000p 12.0000p 1.6667p 10.0000p
SC048SC 15p/call + AC 2p/min 2.0000p 17.0000p 1.6667p 14.1667p
SC049SC 25p/call + AC 2p/min 2.0000p 27.0000p 1.6667p 22.5000p
SC050SC 30p/call + AC 2p/min 2.0000p 32.0000p 1.6667p 26.6667p
SC051SC 35p/call + AC 2p/min 2.0000p 37.0000p 1.6667p 30.8334p
SC052SC 40p/call + AC 2p/min 2.0000p 42.0000p 1.6667p 35.0000p
SC053SC 48p/call + AC 2p/min 2.0000p 50.0000p 1.6667p 41.6667p
SC054SC 50p/call + AC 2p/min 2.0000p 52.0000p 1.6667p 43.3334p
SC055SC 70p/call + AC 2p/min 2.0000p 72.0000p 1.6667p 60.0000p
SC056SC 75p/call + AC 2p/min 2.0000p 77.0000p 1.6667p 64.1667p
SC057SC 100p/call + AC 2p/min 2.0000p 102.0000p 1.6667p 85.0000p
SC058SC 145p/call + AC 2p/min 2.0000p 147.0000p 1.6667p 122.5000p
SC059SC 150p/call + AC 2p/min 2.0000p 152.0000p 1.6667p 126.6667p
SC060SC 200p/call + AC 2p/min 2.0000p 202.0000p 1.6667p 168.3334p
SC061SC 250p/call + AC 2p/min 2.0000p 252.0000p 1.6667p 210.0000p
SC062SC 300p/call + AC 2p/min 2.0000p 302.0000p 1.6667p 251.6667p
SC063SC 400p/call + AC 2p/min 2.0000p 402.0000p 1.6667p 335.0000p
SC064SC 500p/call + AC 2p/min 2.0000p 502.0000p 1.6667p 418.3334p
SC065SC 600p/call + AC 2p/min 2.0000p 602.0000p 1.6667p 501.6667p
SC066SC 77p/call + 155p/min + AC 2p/min 157.0000p 79.0000p 130.8334p 65.8334p
SC067SC 80p/call + 25p/min + AC 2p/min 27.0000p 82.0000p 22.5000p 68.3334p
SC073SC 250p/min (after 1 min) + AC 2p/min 252.0000p 2.0000p 210.0000p 1.6667p
SC074SC 5p/min (min 1 min) + AC 2p/min 7.0000p 7.0000p 5.8334p 5.8334p
SC075SC 10p/min (min 1 min) + AC 2p/min 12.0000p 12.0000p 10.0000p 10.0000p
SC076SC 40p/min (min 1 min) + AC 2p/min 42.0000p 42.0000p 35.0000p 35.0000p
SC077SC 70p/min (min 1 min) + AC 2p/min 72.0000p 72.0000p 60.0000p 60.0000p
SC078SC 150p/min (min 1 min) + AC 2p/min 152.0000p 152.0000p 126.6667p 126.6667p
SC079SC 200p/min (min 1 min) + AC 2p/min 202.0000p 202.0000p 168.3334p 168.3334p
SenegalInt Senegal 14.2500p 2.4000p 11.8750p 2.0000p
SenegalMobileInt Senegal Mobile 19.0000p 2.4000p 15.8333p 2.0000p
Serbia&Montenegro(Yugoslavia)Int Serbia & Montenegro (Yugoslavia) 49.0000p 2.4000p 40.8333p 2.0000p
Serbia&MontenegroMobileInt Serbia & Montenegro (Yugoslavia) Mob 44.0000p 2.4000p 36.6667p 2.0000p
SeychellesInt Seychelles 100.0000p 2.4000p 83.3333p 2.0000p
SierreLeoneInt Sierre Leone 74.0000p 2.4000p 61.6667p 2.0000p
SierreLeoneMobileInt Sierre Leone Mobile 45.6000p 2.4000p 38.0000p 2.0000p
SingaporeInt Singapore 3.0000p 2.4000p 2.5000p 2.0000p
SingaporeMobileInt Singapore Mobile 2.0000p 2.4000p 1.6667p 2.0000p
SlovakiaInt Slovakia 2.0000p 2.4000p 1.6667p 2.0000p
SlovakiaMobileInt Slovakia Mobile 14.0000p 2.4000p 11.6667p 2.0000p
SloveniaInt Slovenia 18.0000p 2.4000p 15.0000p 2.0000p
SloveniaMobileInt Slovenia Mobile 21.7500p 2.4000p 18.1250p 2.0000p
SMSMOReduced outgoing SMS rate when relayed direct from SIP2SIM 0.0000p 4.8000p 0.0000p 4.0000p
SMSOGOutgoing SMS (mobile or web) 0.0000p 3.6000p 0.0000p 3.0000p
SolomonIslandsInt Solomon Islands 37.5000p 2.4000p 31.2500p 2.0000p
SomaliaInt Somalia 102.0000p 2.4000p 85.0000p 2.0000p
SouthAfricaInt South Africa 23.0000p 2.4000p 19.1667p 2.0000p
SouthAfricaCellCMBLSouth Africa Cell C MBL 20.5000p 2.4000p 17.0833p 2.0000p
SouthAfricaMBLSouth Africa MBL 20.5000p 2.4000p 17.0833p 2.0000p
SouthAfricaMobileInt South Africa Mobile 22.0000p 2.4000p 18.3333p 2.0000p
SouthAfricaMTNMBLSouth Africa MTN MBL 16.0000p 2.4000p 13.3333p 2.0000p
SouthAfricaVodacomMblSouth Africa Vodacom MBL 21.0000p 2.4000p 17.5000p 2.0000p
SouthSudanMobileNone 26.0000p 2.4000p 21.6666p 2.0000p
SpainInt Spain 2.0000p 2.4000p 1.6667p 2.0000p
SpainCanaryIslandsInt Spain Canary Islands 2.0000p 2.4000p 1.6667p 2.0000p
SpainMobileInt Spain Mobile 18.0000p 2.4000p 15.0000p 2.0000p
SriLankaInt Sri Lanka 11.5000p 2.4000p 9.5833p 2.0000p
SriLankaMobileInt Sri Lanka Mobile 15.0000p 2.4000p 12.5000p 2.0000p
StHelenaInt St Helena 97.0000p 2.4000p 80.8333p 2.0000p
StKitts&NevisInt St Kitts & Nevis 10.2500p 2.4000p 8.5417p 2.0000p
StKitts&NevisMobileInt St Kitts & Nevis Mobile 16.2500p 2.4000p 13.5417p 2.0000p
StLuciaInt St Lucia 39.0000p 2.4000p 32.5000p 2.0000p
StLuciaMobileInt St Lucia Mobile 15.2500p 2.4000p 12.7083p 2.0000p
StPierre&MiquelonInt St Pierre & Miquelon 11.2500p 2.4000p 9.3750p 2.0000p
StVincent&GrenadinesInt St Vincent & Grenadines 10.2500p 2.4000p 8.5417p 2.0000p
StVincent&GrenadinesMobileInt St Vincent & Grenadines Mobile 27.0000p 2.4000p 22.5000p 2.0000p
SudanInt Sudan 27.0000p 2.4000p 22.5000p 2.0000p
SudanMobileNone 28.0000p 2.4000p 23.3333p 2.0000p
SurinameInt Suriname 14.5000p 2.4000p 12.0833p 2.0000p
SurinameMobileInt Suriname Mobile 14.2500p 2.4000p 11.8750p 2.0000p
SwazilandInt Swaziland 7.0000p 2.4000p 5.8333p 2.0000p
SwazilandMobileInt Swaziland Mobile 13.0000p 2.4000p 10.8333p 2.0000p
SwedenInt Sweden 2.0000p 2.4000p 1.6667p 2.0000p
SwedenMobileInt Sweden Mobile 3.0000p 2.4000p 2.5000p 2.0000p
SwedenStockholmInt Sweden Stockholm 2.0000p 2.4000p 1.6667p 2.0000p
SwitzerlandInt Switzerland 2.0000p 2.4000p 1.6667p 2.0000p
SwitzerlandMobileInt Switzerland Mobile 14.4000p 2.4000p 12.0000p 2.0000p
SwitzerlandNationalGeographicNone 6.9000p 0.1400p 5.7500p 0.1200p
SwitzerlandZurichInt Switzerland Zurich 2.0000p 2.4000p 1.6667p 2.0000p
SyriaInt Syria 12.5000p 2.4000p 10.4167p 2.0000p
SyriaMobileInt Syria Mobile 14.5000p 2.4000p 12.0833p 2.0000p
TaiwanInt Taiwan 2.0000p 2.4000p 1.6667p 2.0000p
TaiwanMobileInt Taiwan Mobile 12.0000p 2.4000p 10.0000p 2.0000p
TajikistanInt Tajikistan 6.5000p 2.4000p 5.4167p 2.0000p
TajikistanMobileInt Tajikistan Mobile 38.2600p 0.1400p 31.8800p 0.1200p
TanzaniaInt Tanzania 56.0000p 2.4000p 46.6667p 2.0000p
TanzaniaMobileInt Tanzania Mobile 52.0000p 2.4000p 43.3333p 2.0000p
testTest calls 0.0000p 0.0000p
ThailandInt Thailand 5.7500p 2.4000p 4.7917p 2.0000p
ThailandMobileInt Thailand Mobile 7.0000p 2.4000p 5.8333p 2.0000p
Thuraya(Satellite)Int Thuraya (Satellite) 831.0000p 2.4000p 692.5000p 2.0000p
TogoInt Togo 27.5000p 2.4000p 22.9167p 2.0000p
TogoMobileInt Togo Mobile 26.0000p 2.4000p 21.6667p 2.0000p
TokelauInt Tokelau 46.7500p 2.4000p 38.9583p 2.0000p
TongaInt Tonga 12.5000p 2.4000p 10.4167p 2.0000p
Trinidad&TobagoInt Trinidad & Tobago 15.0000p 2.4000p 12.5000p 2.0000p
Trinidad&TobagoMobileInt Trinidad & Tobago Mobile 24.0000p 2.4000p 20.0000p 2.0000p
TunisiaInt Tunisia 17.2500p 2.4000p 14.3750p 2.0000p
TunisiaMobileInt Tunisia Mobile 113.0000p 2.4000p 94.1667p 2.0000p
TurkeyInt Turkey 8.0000p 2.4000p 6.6667p 2.0000p
TurkeyIstanbul(Europe)Int Turkey Istanbul (Europe) 6.0000p 2.4000p 5.0000p 2.0000p
TurkeyMobileInt Turkey Mobile 21.0000p 2.4000p 17.5000p 2.0000p
TurkeyMobileKKTCellTurkey Mobile KKTCell 18.5000p 2.4000p 15.4167p 2.0000p
TurkmenistanInt Turkmenistan 25.0000p 2.4000p 20.8333p 2.0000p
TurkmenistanMobileInt Turkmenistan Mobile 18.0000p 2.4000p 15.0000p 2.0000p
Turks&CaicosIslandsInt Turks & Caicos Islands 28.0000p 2.4000p 23.3333p 2.0000p
Turks&CaicosIslandsMobileInt Turks & Caicos Islands Mobile 34.2500p 2.4000p 28.5400p 2.0000p
Turks&CaicosIslandsPagerNone 17.7500p 2.4000p 14.7917p 2.0000p
TuvaluInt Tuvalu 37.7500p 2.4000p 31.4583p 2.0000p
UgandaInt Uganda 54.0000p 2.4000p 45.0000p 2.0000p
UgandaMobileInt Uganda Mobile 33.0000p 2.4000p 27.5000p 2.0000p
UKPagersNone 9.7500p 4.0000p 3.2500p 2.4000p 8.1250p 3.3333p 2.7083p 2.0000p
UkraineInt Ukraine 19.0000p 2.4000p 15.8333p 2.0000p
UkraineDnipropetrovskInt Ukraine Dnipropetrovsk 15.0000p 2.4000p 12.5000p 2.0000p
UkraineDonetskInt Ukraine Donetsk 6.7500p 2.4000p 5.6250p 2.0000p
UkraineKharkivInt Ukraine Kharkiv 5.0000p 2.4000p 4.1667p 2.0000p
UkraineKievInt Ukraine Kiev 16.5000p 2.4000p 13.7500p 2.0000p
UkraineLvivInt Ukraine Lviv 6.2500p 2.4000p 5.2083p 2.0000p
UkraineMobileInt Ukraine Mobile 38.0000p 2.4000p 31.6667p 2.0000p
UkraineOdessaInt Ukraine Odessa 6.2500p 2.4000p 5.2083p 2.0000p
UnitedArabEmiratesInt United Arab Emirates 22.0000p 2.4000p 18.3333p 2.0000p
UnitedArabEmiratesDubaiInt United Arab Emirates Dubai 16.0000p 2.4000p 13.3333p 2.0000p
UnitedArabEmiratesMobileInt United Arab Emirates Mobile 22.0000p 2.4000p 18.3333p 2.0000p
UPNUniversal Personal Number 0.0000p 0.0000p
UruguayInt Uruguay 4.7500p 2.4000p 3.9583p 2.0000p
UruguayMobileInt Uruguay Mobile 13.0000p 2.4000p 10.8333p 2.0000p
USAInt USA 2.0000p 2.4000p 1.6667p 2.0000p
USAAlaskaInt USA Alaska 3.0000p 2.4000p 2.5000p 2.0000p
USAHawaiiInt USA Hawaii 2.0000p 2.4000p 1.6667p 2.0000p
USVirginIslandsInt US Virgin Islands 2.0000p 2.4000p 1.6667p 2.0000p
UzbekistanInt Uzbekistan 17.0000p 2.4000p 14.1667p 2.0000p
UzbekistanMobileInt Uzbekistan Mobile 5.0000p 2.4000p 4.1667p 2.0000p
UzbekistanTashkentInt Uzbekistan Tashkent 4.5000p 2.4000p 3.7500p 2.0000p
VanuatuInt Vanuatu 103.0000p 2.4000p 85.8333p 2.0000p
VenezuelaInt Venezuela 13.0000p 2.4000p 10.8333p 2.0000p
VenezuelaCaracasInt Venezuela Caracas 13.0000p 2.4000p 10.8333p 2.0000p
VenezuelaMobileInt Venezuela Mobile 30.7500p 2.4000p 25.6250p 2.0000p
VietnamVietnam 10.2500p 2.4000p 8.5417p 2.0000p
vmVoicemail 0.0000p 0.0000p
YemenNone 22.0000p 0.1200p 18.3333p 0.1000p
ZambiaNone 61.0000p 2.4000p 50.8333p 2.0000p
ZambiaMobileNone 48.0000p 2.4000p 40.0000p 2.0000p
ZimbabweNone 39.0000p 2.4000p 32.5000p 2.0000p
Zimbabwe MobileNone 54.0000p 2.4000p 45.0000p 2.0000p

Contact Sales

email sales@aa.net.uk
phone 03333 400222
(Mon-Fri 9am-5pm)
sms 01344 400222

Contact Support

email support@aa.net.uk
phone 03333 400999
(Mon-Fri 8am-6pm,
Sat 10am-2pm)
sms 01344 400999